Sunday 29 September 2013

"Dad, I Want To Get Married"

Daughter: Dad, I want to get married.

Father: That is a good thing to wish for. What kind of man do you want?

Daughter: I want a life of luxury and ease. So, I would like a man who can help me achieve that life.

The father became worried by her words.

Father: Umm...I've never known you to be like this. I've never even seen you with a jewellery in your possession 
other than the ring your late mother left you, the same ring I married her with. If you were to sell it, the money 
you get won't be enough to buy you anything of value. Honestly my dear, I am surprised by your ambitions.

The daughter looked at the ring her father alluded to. She rubbed it gently with her left index finger. 

Daughter: Dad, the luxury I seek cannot be bought by gold or diamonds. The ease I wish for cannot be 
offered by any wealthy man.

Father: I don't understand.

Daughter: I seek the luxury of Jannah and the ease of being in the company of the Prophets. I seek the life of luxury
 and ease that Mum is enjoying right now insha Allah, because I see you as the kind of man who has helped her 
made it there. I am sure, she has helped you as well and you will be in her arms once again.

He couldn't hold his tears anymore.

Daughter: Dad?

Father: Yes, my dear?

Daughter: Is there a man out there who can offer me what you have offered Mum?

Father: I pray for a man who can offer you more. Much more.

They embraced each other tightly, in front of the grave of the wife and the mother who bonds them together.

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